Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Weston is Six Weeks Old!

Yes, unbelievable--my baby is 6 weeks old today! Weston has been growing so fast! As of today, he weighs 9 pounds 11 1/2 ounces and measures 22 inches long. Last Thursday he smiled at us for the first time--so exciting! His favorite pastime is eating (of course). Other activities that he enjoys are cuddling, taking walks, exercising his arms and legs, taking baths, and going to Grandpa Bill and Grandma Sandy's house every Wednesday. Big events for Weston have included his first doctor appointment, his first church service, and a special week-long visit from Grandma Kandy.

These past few weeks have been a roller coaster for me. Most days have been full of joy, but there have also been a few exhausting, frustrating days and nights. Praise God for bringing us through the first 6 weeks! When I reflect over this time, I am so grateful for family, friends, and our church body who have blessed us by sending gifts and bringing meals and playing with the baby so that I could sleep, etc. I am so grateful for my husband who is such a fabulous daddy! And I am so grateful for the privilege of being a mommy to this handsome, sweet little boy, who is sleeping in my arms as I type this blog post!