Friday, November 15, 2013

When You are a First-time Mom...

  • You cannot help staring and smiling at that first good family photo. Wow, you think, we are a FAMILY!
  • You have researched so much about pregnancy, birth, breast-feeding, child-rearing, etc., that you feel like you deserve another master's degree!
  • Even though your labor was the closest thing that you have ever experienced to torture, you soon learn to join the legions of other women who simply smile and say that "everything went well."
  • You listen to mothers squabbling over Attachment Parenting versus Baby Wise, and it is so intense that you feel like you are listening to theologians debating over Arminianism versus Calvinism! You wish that the angel Gabriel would come down from heaven to show you which way is right.
  • Your home life is transformed into a musical as you constantly make up silly songs to entertain the baby.
  • Finding time for household chores is so difficult that when your husband offers to mop the floors with you on a Friday night, you cannot think of a more romantic gesture.
  • You walk into the post office, toting the baby in his car seat, and elderly women literally line up to catch a glimpse of your baby. You feel like a movie star, or rather, the chauffeur for the movie star.
  • If the joy of your new baby ever starts to lose its luster, you simply drive to Grandma's house, place him in her arms, and listen as she expounds upon his wonders. You leave refreshed and recharged every time! 
  • You flip through an American Girl catalog, admiring the Bitty Baby collection. The little girl who still lives inside of you almost wishes that you had one. Then it hits you: who needs a Bitty Baby when you have THE REAL THING?
  • You wish that everybody could know the joy of a new baby, and you thank God for His all-sufficient grace and amazing blessings! 


  1. These are so sweet! And fun to be able to relate to them. :) Great putting the joy into words! -Anna
