Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Meet Griffin!

I think that it is about time for me to introduce you to Griffin! We are so blessed to be the parents of TWO sons!

Griffin Wakefield Barnett, who is now 3 months old, was born on Tuesday, May 26 at 8:26 pm. That day I had experienced contractions all afternoon but had doubted that they were the real thing. Finally I had suggested to Ben that he drive me to the hospital just to see if anything was happening. And, well, Griffin was born a little over an hour later! It was another natural birth, accomplished without too much trouble! He was a small baby, weighing just 6 pounds 2 ounces and measuring 19 inches long. He has beautiful blue eyes. His hair color is intriguing--often it looks light brown, but sometimes it looks RED like his Uncle Joe's!

I am not going to lie. The first month was awful. Griffin was hospitalized for a couple of extra nights due to jaundice and poor eating. Our doctor ordered us to feed him formula for a few days to help with these issues, and after these issues resolved it was a nightmare trying to re-train Griffin how to breastfeed. Griffin also had his days and nights mixed up for the first few weeks, resulting in many sleepless nights for me. Meanwhile, Big Brother Weston was going crazy with boredom, jealousy, and temper tantrums. I almost wrote a blog post entitled "Why NOT to Have Two Children Under Two," but alas, I was too busy to find time to write! Ha. Thankfully, God brought us through that difficult first month. Ben's mother flew up for a week-long visit to help. My mother babysat Weston every morning for several weeks. Griffin successfully transitioned back to nursing and learned to distinguish between day and night.

Life is so much better now! Griffin is now the easiest baby in the world! I am one blessed mama--he started sleeping through the night at only 2 months old! He even gives me a mid-day break by taking an afternoon nap at the same time that Weston takes his afternoon nap. And he has a sweet, laid-back disposition that I really appreciate! We love our little Griff! I think that Weston is starting to like him, too!

Here are a few photos from the past 3 months.


  1. Wow! Crazy how "easy" your labor was - born an hour after the hospital arrival! So awesome! And I am so glad things are going better. That first month sounds really hard, but now it sounds like such a blessing (while still a challenge I am sure - I mean, still two little guys' needs to tend to!) but getting sleep makes a world of difference! ;) Anna

  2. You can do as a mom of 4 boys all 20-21 months apart it does continue to get better and they do end up being best buds!

    1. Nikki, you are amazing! Four boys, all so close together! Glad to hear that things are going well. I am looking forward to the "best buds" stage!
